To my 8th lungaversary (SIX INCREDIBLE YEARS AGO) right before I was about to turn 30 and pre-covid! Actual post from 9/16/2018.
I can’t believe it’s been 8 years since I got another chance to breathe. I’ve fit in so much love and so much life into this second chance I cannot thank my surgeon, doctors, nurses, family and everyone else that made this chance and these adventures possible. Especially my donor for whom I am forever grateful for, as well as their family for sharing this new set of lungs with me at such a horrible time in their lives. I love them all more than can be imagined. Thank you to everyone in my life both past and present for making this life the best life and just for living it with me!
PLUS! I graduated college this year! Ran more races. Got a couple new jobs and had many other new experiences. Met new people and made new friends. Spent tons of time with my family. I have learned so much about myself and about life. I watched my little Juno turn 3 and celebrated countless tiny victories all while staying healthy! Truly unbelievable. I had never once imagined I would or could be so blessed as to having an entire second life to live without having a debilitating disease looming over me that I faced for my first 21 years of life. I’ve been free to just live!
I still really wish I could say thank you to that family out there wherever they are…. Can’t wait to see what’s in store for the future! Maybe another 8 years? And almost as amazing – I turn 30 in a month!! 30! So grateful and blessed for this amazing journey that is my life.