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Celebrating 4,380 Days Post Double Lung Transplant: Finding Strength in Every Moment

This is pretty crazy, to even be typing this right now. Today marks my 12 year anniversary, my lungaversary, of my not so new anymore lungs that extended my life 4,380 days. So far. TWELVE [EXTRA] YEARS. I am honestly at a loss for the right words. This year I truly found myself and regained my sense of self, confidence, and purpose. Pushed my body to new limits, ones I had only dreamed of prior. I spent countless days and hours with my family, friends, and my dog, did so many things that I could only explain as if it has been a fairytale. I just cannot believe for a moment that I am still here on this planet. Living, breathing.

I cannot thank my donor and their family, the doctors, surgeons, nurses, and everyone at the hospital that has helped me get to where I am today. Throughout all of the good and the bad. My friends and family who have been so close throughout this journey and everyone that has played a part in me finding my new self, my confidence, strength and resilience that I have found largely in this past year alone. I fought some tough battles and I am honestly shocked that I have come out on the other side when the outcome was so unknown throughout and for so long.

The gratitude I have for my journey here, the past 33 years and mainly the past 12 is irreplaceable, and can only be explained by the will I have to live and show these lungs that I can make the most out of every situation that I have been given whether good or bad.

My motto throughout the tough times is always the same. Every, second, counts. Never forget that. So I always do what I can to make the current moment count, and it all adds up. Im stronger and more resilient than ever before because of that. Sometimes the moments aren’t good ones, but there is usually a silver lining if you can find it, I am alive, breathing, and not about to waste this gift or miss this moment I am presented with. So there is my loss for words…. I just can’t freakin believe I made it this far, from that scared, weak, dying 16 year old being listed for transplant for the first time to the strong, runner, loving human, friend, dog mom, confident, blessed, and most of all, grateful for today, every new day I get.